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About Dr. Karen

"The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it." 

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My Story


I feel compelled to teach and share my journey with others in order to improve the lives of everyone I meet.  I love seeing others not only succeeding in life, but thriving and living their best!  I like to meet people wherever they are on their current journey and encourage them to reach just a little higher...


I always wanted to be a successful professional athlete growing up.  I had the desire and the work ethic, just not the genetics to be anything more than "okay" at any given sport. 


So I changed my tactics and started to coach others and reveled in their successes.  I coached track and field athletes for many years until the strain of constant travel wore on my relationships outside of the track and field community.  


I began teaching at the collegiate level and I found that through teaching others I learned the information on a much deeper level through the student's questions and insights.  


During college I began suffering for debilitating migraine headaches that would shut me down for several days every month.  I would come to suffer so badly from them that doctors began classifying them as TIAs or trans-ischemic attacks which were not only excruciatingly painful but they became dangerous as they are "mini-strokes".  


I tried everything I could to find a cure or to lessen them.  Nothing worked until I tried acupuncture.  It changed my life so significantly that I immediately decided a career change was in order!


I have now decided to meld the two best careers in my life by forming this page to educate not only other acupuncturists, but also to teach everyone how to live a healthier life!


Welcome! And let's get started!



Exercise Plans

Nutritional Counseling


Parkinson's Disease

Lyme Disease

Post Concussion Recovery


Cheering YOU toward success!!


Licensed Acupuncturist

Doctor of Oriental Medicine

Exercise Physiologist

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